Staff NFT Avatar

Empower your employees to customize their digital identities, fostering a sense of ownership and connection within the organization.​

NFT Generation

This feature generates unique NFTs for each staff member's avatar, including customized NFT avatars featuring company icons. Each NFT signifies a one-of-a-kind tokenized version of a company-branded visual identity and represents digital assets that can be owned and traded.​

Generate NFTs for staff members as unique digital assets​
Empower employees’ representation via block chain-verified collection​

Company Icon Integration

Employees have the flexibility to incorporate the NFT avatars with company icons, logos, or motos as design elements. This help promoting the company's values and identity by demonstrating their affiliation through visually connecting their digital personas.​

Option to incorporate company logos and motto into NFT avatars.
Showcase their affiliation with the organization through their avatars.

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Are you ready to transform your HR strategy?​ ​

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